
階層的低ランク近似 / Hierarchical Low-Rank Approximation


図1 密行列(赤)の階層的低ランク近似(緑)による圧縮



図1 密行列(赤)の階層的低ランク近似(緑)による圧縮

MPI Parallelization of Low Rank Matrices


Computing the LU decomposition of very large dense matrices (a few millions in dimension) is a very time-consuming task using traditional techniques like Gaussian elimination, which takes O(N3) time for reaching a solution. Approximating this dense matrix as a Hierarchical matrix can allow us to reduce the computation time to almost O(N) with an approximation error of about 98%.

Hierarchical Matrix

Hierarchical matrices consist of two kinds of matrix blocks - dense and low rank. The dense blocks are full rank matrix blocks that cannot be approximated without huge loss of information, and are therefore stored as-is in the matrix. The low rank blocks are off-diagonal blocks in the larger matrix that can be approximated using the SVD decomposition and maintain good enough accuracy for a well chosen rank.

Distributed Hierarchical Matrix

Large hierarchical matrices by themselves are very hard to fit on a single machine due to constrains of memory. Therefore, distributing them on multiple nodes and building a communication framework using MPI is very useful.

The distribution of the low rank blocks across processes determines how load balanced the final solution will be. We currently use a modified block cyclic distribution scheme where adjacent dense blocks are distributed on different processes whereas adjacent low rank blocks exist on the same process.

My current research area focuses on creating the most optimum distribution scheme for distributed hierarchical matrices such that the communication overhead for computing the LU decomposition is minimized.

