
高速多重極展開法 / FMM (Fast Multipole Methods)





図1 FMMの計算の流れ


図2 タンパク質のクラウディングの分子シミュレーション

分子動力学による解析は一般的に水で満たされた周期境界条件のような理想化された試験環境下(in vitro)で行われる。一方、実際の細胞などは様々なタンパク質が混在しており、そのような環境下での挙動をin vitroの計算から予測するには限界がある。本研究では663,552コアを用いた並列計算で5億原子の分子シミュレーションを行い、タンパク質のクラウディングの影響を調べた。

図3 境界要素法を用いた暗溶媒による分子シミュレーション


図4 渦法を用いた一様等方性乱流の解析


Implementation of Kernel Independent Fast Multipole Method (KIFMM)

KIFMM is a technique that was developed to speed up the calculation of long-ranged forces in the n-body problem from O(N2) to O(N). It doesn’t requires expanding the system green’s function using a multipole expansion like the classical FMM and it is based only on kernel evaluations.

Instead of using analytic expansions to represent the potential generated by sources inside a box of the hierarchical FMM tree like classical FMM, we use a continuous distribution of an equivalent density on a surface enclosing the box. To find this equivalent density we match its potential to the potential of the original sources at a surface, in the far field, by solving local Dirichlet-type boundary value problems. The far field evaluations are sparsified with singular value decomposition in 2D or fast Fourier transforms in 3D. Its advantage is the (relative) simplicity of the implementation.


Currently I am working on implementing a GPU scalable version of KIFMM.


Improving the Energy Conservation of the FMM for Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Molecular dynamics simulation is common technique for studying the movements of atoms and molecules and can be described as a type of N-body system, a problem that can be solved by Fast Multipole Method. FMM is one of the fastest algorithms and it decreases the computational cost to O(N). Although FMM is considered to be a of a great importance in MD simulations, often during the simulation it can be observed a large energy drift caused by jump in the potential when particles move from one cell to another in the FMM hierarchical tree. The energy conservation is one of the parameters commonly used to describe the stability of MD simulation and the purpose of this research is implementing a regularization technique that will reduce the energy drift by smoothing the potential and obtain good energy conservation of the FMM for MD simulations.